Global Education Evidence Advisory Panel (GEEAP), convened by the World Bank, FCDO, UNICEF Office of Research-Innocenti

Name of Organization:

Global Education Evidence Advisory Panel (GEEAP), convened by the World Bank, FCDO, UNICEF Office of Research-Innocenti

Number of Participants:



Chicago - USA


Chicago - USA

Key Insights:

Covid-19 shuttered schools for over 1.6 billion children at the height of the pandemic. Covid-caused school closures threaten to exacerbate a pre-existing “learning crisis” where many students were in school but learning very little even pre-pandemic. Analysis of past long-term school closures shows that large, and potentially permanent learning losses can result. Some pre-existing learning inequities have also increased due to lack of access to technology for distance learning by some groups, and other causes. As schools are reopening, and often working in an environment of tight budgets, making smart education policy decisions that are based on evidence and cost-effectiveness is more important than ever for governments. Equally, governments are trying to explore innovative solutions that will allow students not just to catch up but also thrive and reach their full potential. The forthcoming paper by the Global Education Evidence Advisory Panel (GEEAP advises how education policy makers and funders of education programs can take advantage of what we know about cost-effective education solutions combined with additional evidence gathered during COVID to develop recommendations with new and innovative evidence-based solutions. The video will provide a short introduction to the forthcoming paper.