
In these times of profound global transitions, it’s becoming clearer than ever that many of the systems and structures that brought us to this point are no longer fit for purpose — and that there is an opportunity to co-create pathways forward that can help us navigate the increasing complexities of our time.
What are the Provocations?
Designed through engagement with cross-sectoral stakeholders, the RewirEd Provocations are north-star statements or questions that address systemic, complex, and structural challenges across a domain, targeting a desired future different from what’s currently seen to be possible. Under these provocations, there are a set of portfolios of experiments.
We hope that the ideas presented under each Provocation can serve as both an anchor and trigger for collective action, and help build the momentum via the Sandbox — an enabling platform to unlock innovation and system change in education.
If you’re interested in a deeper exploration of the provocations & proposed portfolio of experiments, click HERE to view the Provocation Booklet.
What are Experiments?
Experiments are best described as radical & bold ideas that seek to inspire or drive initiatives between a range of stakeholders in and/or outside of education to catalyze action towards an envisioned better future in education
The below section showcases and allows you to individually explore the portfolio of these provocations and radical ideas for experimentation, which has been developed through a rigorous research and engagement process with diverse stakeholders within and beyond education.