The World’s Biggest Experiment: EdTech & Remote Learning – What did we get right, and what still needs to change?
Ms. Katy Fryatt, Founder, LearnIt
School closures and re-openings and the use of evidence in policy making
Ms. Jo Bourne, Chief Technical Officer, Global Partnership for Education
Leading for resilience: Lessons from school leaders for rewiring education
Mr. John Rendel, Director of Grants, The Peter Cundill Foundation
It’s our future: Re-imagining education and work for young people in a post pandemic world.
The future of the workplace – what we’ve learnt as a result of COVID-19
Ms. Saadia Zahidi, Managing Director, World Economic Forum
Collective Missions for Big Change in Education – National and regional approaches to system change
Mr. Gregg Behr, Founder and Co-Chair, Remake Learning
Learning Back on Path: What it takes to fund, deliver, and assess effective responses to learning inequality and learning loss
Mr. Mubuso Zamchiya, Managing Director, Luminos Fund
Mental Health & Psychosocial Support in the context of COVID-19 lessons from around the world
Mr. Saji Thomas, Chief, Child Protection, UNICEF Gulf Area Office
Youth-focused Public-Private partnerships- Realising the potential of Creative Industries as a driver for development
Mr. Ville Wacklin, Senior Program Manager, Finn Chruch Aid
Inclusive Education and Early Childhood Development – Promising Ways Forward
Ms. Jennifer Rigg, Executive Director, Global Campaign for Education-US
The impact of COVID-19 on girls’ education – pitfalls and potential
Ms. Erin Ganju, Managing Director, Echidna Giving Fund
Youth on the Move: pathways to opportunities through entrepreneurship
Ms. Anita Tiessen, CEO, Youth Business International
Beyond the Crisis: Reinventing Post-Secondary Education in the Arab Region?
Dr. Sonia Ben Jaafar, Chief Executive Officer, Abdulla Al Ghurair Foundation for Education