
Education Financing

Education Financing

The world is in the midst of an unprecedented global crisis as a result of COVID-19, the effects of which will be felt for generations to come. Prior to the outbreak of the pandemic, 260 million children were out of school and more than 550 million were in school but not learning the basic skills needed to thrive.

Despite the efforts of many developing countries in investing in their education systems and providing their children and youth with unprecedented levels of access to education, a lot remains to be done to achieve national education goals, as it requires additional financial commitments over the coming years.

Rewiring of education requires three things: the political ambition to drive change, financing to fuel action and the right evidence to unlock effective solutions.

The RewirEd Summit 2021 shed light on the political leadership and commitment already in motion to improve volume, equity and efficiency to secure financing for education. The Summit was also an occasion for leaders and key non-governmental stakeholders to express support and commit to investing in education for the future of humanity and the planet.

Please see here the full agenda of Day Three.

You can watch all sessions of Day Three here.

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