
Initiatives & Declarations

Initiatives & Declarations

RewirEd Declaration on Connectivity for Education, Providing a Framework for Action and Investment

One of the key announcements from day three was the launch of the RewirEd Declaration on Connectivity for Education. Developed by UNESCO in partnership with Dubai Cares, the Declaration provides a framework to ensure that connected technology better supports the right to education, drawing on lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic. It reflects the inputs of a 22-person expert advisory group and a global consultation process involving governments, civil society, youth, teachers, researchers, private sectors organizations, and other stakeholder groups to put forward principles and commitments to establish directions and priorities for the digital transformation of education.

In addition, the Declaration asserts that the educational changes accompanying the integration of new technology, far from being inevitable or outside our control, can be steered with focused policies, actions, regulations, and incentives.

Passport to Earning

The first day of the summit marked the launch of the Passport to Earning (P2E) platform. Unveiled by Accenture, Microsoft, UNICEF, and Dubai Cares, operating under the Generation Unlimited partnership, P2E is a new global digital learning platform for young people, providing 15 to 24-year-olds across the world with free, certified education and skills training – with content spanning across digital, foundational, role-based and technical skills. All certifications gained will support future employment and entrepreneurship opportunities made available on the platform.

Launch of the Sharjah Child Friendly School and Nurseries toolkit by the Sharjah Child Friendly Office

The Summit also witnessed the launch of the Sharjah Child Friendly School and Nurseries toolkit by the Sharjah Child Friendly Office. The standard has been guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child by implementing rights-based approaches to education and evidence pertaining to child development.


It is a joint innovative finance approach between Global Partnership for Education (GPE) and the Arab Coordination Group. The approach demonstrated deepening collaboration between the Arab Coordination Group of development finance institutions, coordinated and co-lead by the Islamic Development Bank and aimed to avail US$ 500 million in funding for education, highlighting the “investment case” in the education sector as the engine of future economic growth.

Refugee Connected Education Challenge

The Refugee Connected Education Challenge works with governments and education actors to make strong commitments to help narrow the growing digital divide faced by displaced learners. We need to ensure that schools that host refugees and forcibly displaced students are prioritized and meaningfully included in global and national digital education and connectivity efforts.

Faved Platform

As part of Schools2030’s commitment to strengthening the global education ecosystem, they developed a new set of global public goods. One of this initiative is the Faved Platform, a teacher-to-teacher portal that allows educators to share best practices and effective innovations, nurturing a global community of practice for and by teachers.

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