During RewirEd Summit, the Government of Ireland and the Lego Foundation announced the two pledges below.

In 2019, the Government of Ireland joined Education Cannot Wait, a global fund dedicated to supporting education in situations of war, forced displacement, natural and man-made, disasters and pandemics. During the RewirEd Summit 2021, the Government of Ireland pledged 5 million Euros to Education Cannot Wait.

The LEGO Foundation is the largest private sector donor to Education Cannot Wait (ECW). At RewirEd Summit 2021, the Foundation announced a 7 million Euros to ECW. This pledge reaffirms the LEGO Foundation’s commitment in the LEGO® brand’s 90th year to ensure children globally are given opportunities to learn through play. This will support their early learning and the development of holistic skills, ensuring children everywhere thrive and reach their full potential in life.