RewirEd Summit / 2023 / Summit
The RewirEd Summit 2023 Programme

9:00 – 9:45
9:45 – 10:55
Opening Remarks:

Her Excellency Reem Ebrahim Al Hashimy
UAE Minister of State for International Cooperation Chief Executive Officer of Expo City Dubai Authority

Rt. Hon. Gordon Brown
United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education & former Prime Minister
United Kingdom

H.E. Dr. Tariq Al Gurg
Chief Executive Officer & Vice-Chairman
Dubai Cares

Dr. Andrew Cunningham
Global Lead for Education
Aga Khan Foundation

H.E. João Marques da Costa
Minister of Education

H.E. Edil Baisalov
Deputy Chairman
Cabinet of the Ministers
Kyrgyz Republic

Yasmine Sherif
Executive Director
Education Cannot Wait

H.E. Dr. Tariq Al Gurg
Chief Executive Officer & Vice-Chairman
Dubai Cares
Closing Remarks:

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs
Center for Sustainable Development
Columbia University
Special Announcement
Hall: Auditorium
11:00 – 11:45
Green Rising: Powering Youth Action & Solutions for Climate
UNICEF, Generation Unlimited’s Green Rising is supporting millions of young people around the world to take action to protect their communities from the climate crisis via volunteering, green skilling, entrepreneurship & jobs, and advocacy. This session will showcase a million+ stories of diverse youth and girls as champions for the planet and demonstrate ways in which Public-Private-Youth partnerships can support these youth-powered actions.

Kevin Frey
CEO of Generation Unlimited

Nour Elnabawy
Actor & UNICEF Shabab Balad Ambassador

Hon. Shri Bhupender Yadav
Union Cabinet Minister
Labour & Employment - Environment - Forest & Climate Change

Kitty van der Heijden
Deputy Executive Director

Charlene Ruto
Founder & Patron
SMACHS Foundation

Amal Ridene
YPAT Member & Youth Negotiator
Generation Unlimited

Ahmed Alhendawi
World Organization of the Scout Movement

Shobha Meera
Chief Corporate Responsibility Officer

Alexandra van der Ploeg
Head of Corporate Social Responsibility
Hall: Auditorium
Unlocking Innovative Financing for Climate-Resilient Education in Emergencies
This session aims to highlight the potential impact, scalability, and sustainability of innovative financing in supporting Climate Resilient Education in Emergencies. Through dynamic panel discussions, we will explore and showcase innovative financing models, mechanisms, and initiatives that have successfully supported climate change and education.

Yasmine Sherif
Executive Director
Education Cannot Wait

Hon. Awut Deng Achuil
Minister of General Education & Instruction
South Sudan

Prof. Avinash Persaud
Special Envoy on Investment & Financial Services to the Office of the Prime Minister of Barbados

Ole Thonke
Undersecretary for Development Policy
Government of Denmark

Amy Clarke
Chief Impact Officer
Tribe Impact Capital

Aya Mohamad El Hawarneh
Youth Advocate & Project Coordinator
Hall: Hall 1
Teachers for the Planet: Leadership for Climate Action in & through Education
This session will discuss the relevance of, and insights from, teacher-led climate education solutions for driving and informing national climate education reform, and how to build more collective leadership for climate action in schools. The session concludes by announcing the new ‘’Policy-Practice Translational Mechanism” at the country level and the roadmap for implementing this mechanism.

Lennart Kuntze
Global Head of Climate Education & Leadership
Teach For All

H.E. João Marques da Costa
Minister of Education

Wendy Kopp
Chief Executive Officer & Co-founder
Teach For All

Esther Gacigi
Teacher (Primary School)
Teach For Kenya

Nick McKinlay
Global Programmes
Aga Khan Foundation

Ryan Bestre
Teach for the Philippines Alumnus
Climate Change Officer
Asian Development Bank

H.E. Edil Baisalov
Deputy Chairman
Cabinet of the Ministers
Kyrgyz Republic

Maïlys Reneaume
Teach For All

Dr. Andrew Cunningham
Global Lead for Education
Aga Khan Foundation
Hall: Hall 4
The Role of Education in Building a Climate-Resilient Development in the 21st Century
Climate change is reshaping the world that young people are due to inherit. Climate impacts are unevenly weighted against the most vulnerable, with young people from developing countries disproportionately bearing the brunt of climate breakdown. According to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report, "increasing education including capacity building, climate literacy, and information can facilitate heightened risk perception and accelerate behavioural changes and planning." Climate breakdown is a key barrier for young people to access quality education. A wide range of climate impacts have a negative effect on education systems, educators, and learner outcomes. GCA's flagship report State and Trends in Adaptation 2022 shows that climate crisis has both direct and indirect effects on young people's learning. This includes damage to infrastructure and learning environments, reduced readiness to teach and learn, and disruption of access to education due to climate-related migration and displacement.

Adriana Valenzuela
Education & Youth Leadership Program Lead
Global Center on Adaptation

Dr. Ede Ijjasz-Vasquez
Senior Advisor
Global Center on Adaptation

Fatou Gaye
Former Minister of Forestry & Environment
Republic of the Gambia

H.E. Dr. Tariq Al Gurg
Chief Executive Officer & Vice-Chairman
Dubai Cares

Prof. Tan Sri Zakri Abdul Hamid
Joint Chair
Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT)

Maja Groff
Climate Governance Commission
Hall: Hall 2
Metrics that Matter: Utilizing Data for Effective Climate Education
This session is dedicated to exploring how data can be harnessed to enhance the effectiveness and impact of climate education programs. In an age where climate change is a critical global issue, educating the public, particularly younger generations, about its implications is vital. However, the challenge lies not just in delivering this education but in ensuring that it is impactful, relevant, and leads to tangible outcomes in terms of increased awareness, changed behaviors, and policy advocacy.

Abdul Matheen Yusuf
Chief Executive Officer
Project You

Dr. Randa Grob-Zakhary
Chief Executive Officer

Sallyann Della Casa
Chief Executive Officer & Chief Identity Hacker

Martin Benavides
Executive Director

David Hollow
Jigsaw Education

Kamran Robert Kardan
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Knowledge E
Hall: Hall 3
12:00 – 12:45
Growing Green Champions: Building the Foundations of Climate Action by Investing in Children
Children are exceptionally vulnerable to climate change. Early development is strongly shaped by children's experiences and the environments they grow up in. The impact of climate change compromises these environments, resulting in long-term consequences to children's physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional development and the development of their communities. Embedding opportunities for climate action to protect children from climate impacts, along with measures to foster environmental awareness and climate literacy through platforms that promote early childhood development and foundational learning not only improve early development, literacy, numeracy and social-emotional skills, but also provide the solid foundation necessary for building the green skills of the young people who will power the green transition.

H.E. Dr. Tariq Al Gurg
Chief Executive Officer & Vice-Chairman
Dubai Cares

Kitty van der Heijden
Deputy Executive Director

Elizabeth Lule
Executive Director
Partnership showcase: UNICEF’s Learning Passport & Worldreader

Hon. Madalitso Wirima Kambauwa
Minister of Education
Republic of Malawi

H.E. Rania Al Mashat
Minister of International Cooperation

H.E. Edil Baisalov
Deputy Chairman
Cabinet of the Ministers
Kyrgyz Republic

Gillian Caldwell
Chief Climate Officer & Deputy Assistant Administrator

Rebecca Chandler Leege
Chief Executive Officer

Francisco Vera
Youth Advocate
Hall: Auditorium
Green Jobs: Paving the Way to a Sustainable Future
The session aims to explore the pivotal role that green jobs play in fostering both environmental preservation and economic growth. By convening a diverse group of thought leaders, policymakers, and experts from around the world, this session will delve into the intersection of environmental stewardship and employment generation.

H.E. Ban Ki-moon
Co-chair Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens
8th Secretary General
the United Nations

Irina Bokova
Former Director-General

Monika Froehler
Chief Executive Officer
Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens

Sharon Armstrong
Director General
Global Affairs Canada

Kathleen Sherwin
Chief Strategy & Engagement Officer
Plan International

Lateefa Alnoaimi
Sustainable & Renewable Energy Engineer
YOUNGO's Green Jobs Working Group

H.E. Rossieli Soares da Silva
Secretary of Education
State of Pará

H.E. Miguel Sedoff
Minister of Education
Misiones Province
Closing Remarks:

H.E. Dr. Tariq Al Gurg
Chief Executive Officer & Vice-Chairman
Dubai Cares
Hall: Hall 4
Connecting the Dots: Youth-led Initiatives in Rewiring Education for Climate Action
The session will discuss a report drafted for policy makers which summarizes the key lessons from the webinars and the workshops. The report titled- Fostering Youth-led Innovations to Accelerate Progress on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, will be released at the RewirEd Summit 2023 at COP28 alongside a panel discussion on the report will take place.

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs
Center for Sustainable Development
Columbia University

Prof. Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo
Chancellor Emiritus Pontifical Academy of the Social Sciences
The Vatican

H.E. Jurriaan Middelhoff
Ambassador of Youth
Education & Skills
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Rev. Canon. Dr. Betsee Parker
Baroness of Locheil

Dr. Wen-Wen Tung
Associate Professor & Director of Geodata
Science for Professionals MS Program
Purdue University

Maryam Rabiee
Head of SDGs Today at UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UNSDSN)

Vidya Bindal
10th grade Millburn High School
New Jersey (Youth Environmental Leader)

Eshaan Gangwal
11th Grade High-School Student
Pingry School
New Jersey
(Youth Environmental Leader)
Hall: Hall 1
Innovative Education Models for Green Skilling in Emergency Contexts
The session's focus on "Innovative Education Models for Green Skilling in Emergency Contexts" is timely and vital, especially within the unique climate change challenges faced by the Middle East. This high-level discussion will spotlight the pivotal role of education and youth in mitigating climate change and provide practical models for addressing emergencies globally, catalyzing positive change for both the environment and communities in need.

Sean Carrol
President & Chief Executive Officer

Derek Madsen
Chief Development Officer

Julia Dicum
Director of Education

Latinas matar
Global Education Director
Save the Children

Mageed Yahia
Country Director UAE & Representative to GCC
UN World Food Programme

Bisan Owda
Youth Advocate

Aya Mohamad El Hawarneh
Youth Advocate & Project Coordinator

Ayeda Mohamed Ghonim
Youth Advocate

Qamar Samir Karameh
Youth Advocate

Dana Mahmoud Ali Musaffar
Youth Advocate
Hall: Hall 3
Moving from Ideas to Action: Localized Levers to Support Youth Education and Employment in the Green Economy
The climate crisis is creating a massive transformation of the global economy that will revolutionize the future of work. Education and training systems have the power to equip young people with the knowledge and skills to fully engage in shaping an equitable transition to the emerging green and blue economies. This session will draw from our high-level panelists' experience to provide insights and solutions related to each specific gap. Together, they will offer a comprehensive roadmap of innovative solutions aimed at facilitating a just transition toward a green workforce.

Dr. Liesbet Steer
President & Chief Executive Officer
Education Development Centre

H.E. Jeanne d’Arc Mujawamariya
Minister of Environment
The Republic of Rwanda

Jennifer Morris
Chief Executive Officer
The Nature Conservancy

Dr. Nada Berrada
African Union Youth & Education Champion
Education Development Center
RegenIntel Fellow

Hamoon Ekhtiari
Chief Executive Officer
FutureFit AI
Hall: Hall 2
12:45 – 13:15
Lunch Break
13:15 – 14:00
Transforming Climate Education for Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Guided by data-driven insights and fortified by successful expansions of improving access to education and fostering diversity and inclusion for vulnerable communities, this session explores leveraging nurturing culturally sensitive environments — a path toward an inclusive future where all voices are amplified and every community thrives.

Armand Arton
Chief Global Citizen & Founder
Arton Capital

Joice Mendez
UNSG Youth Climate Change Advisor & Co-founder
Latin American Observatory of Geopolitics of Energy

Yusra Mardini
Goodwill Ambassador

Sister Zeph
Global Teacher Prize 2023 Winner

Irina Bokova
Former Director-General

Daniela Gissara
Assistant Director
International Programs
Perkins School for the Blind
Hall: Auditorium
Placing Gender Equality and Youth at The Heart of Education Transformation for Climate
This session will spotlight the links between climate change, girls’ education, and gender equality. Taking the format of an intergenerational accountability roundtable, the session will feature girls’ and young women’s experiences and leadership in the promotion of gender transformative climate change education and give girls and young women the opportunity to present a set of demands and recommendations to government and multilateral agencies.

Kathleen Sherwin
Chief Strategy & Engagement Officer
Plan International

Hon. Madalitso Wirima Kambauwa
Minister of Education
Republic of Malawi

Dr. Heike Kuhn
Head of Division
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation & Development of Germany

Yasmine Sherif
Executive Director
Education Cannot Wait

Salha Aziz
Youth Leader

Nelly Beatriz Yaguachi Caiz
Indigenous Youth Leader

Renata Koch Alvarenga
Founder & Director
Hall: Hall 1
Funding the Future: Financing Models for Climate-Smart Education
The session delves into this crucial aspect of educational transformation. Traditional funding models in education often fall short when it comes to addressing the unique requirements of climate-focused learning, such as specialized materials, teacher training, and infrastructural modifications for sustainability, as well as addressing the need for planet-friendly school meals and home-grown school feeding as a sustainable solution. Moreover, the economic strain caused by global environmental changes and the COVID-19 pandemic has further tightened the budgets of educational institutions, making the search for alternative funding sources more critical than ever.

Zahara Malik
Impact Gate

H.E. Cheikh Oumar Anne
Minister of National Education

H.E. Dr. Tariq Al Gurg
Chief Executive Officer
Dubai Cares

Dr. Rachael Barza
Climate Adaptation & Nature Finance
European Bank for Reconstruction & Development

H.E. Dr. Amel Karboul
Chief Executive Officer
Education Outcomes Fund

Richard Hawkes
Chief Executive Officer
British Asian Trust

Véronique Faujour
Managing Director
Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation

Pierre Lucas
Country Director Senegal
UN World Food Programme
Hall: Hall 4
Accelerating Climate Action: The Transformative Power of Rewired Education
The session will highlight how well-informed policymakers can develop effective climate change policies that consider scientific, social, and economic factors. Bringing education into these policy discussions is one of them. The session will also highlight the importance of a holistic approach to climate change education fostered by collaboration between policy makers and education actors to bridge the gap between theory, policies and practical implementation in schools and classes.

Anna Murru
Strategic Partnership Advisor
VVOB - Education for Development

Koen Timmers
Take Action Global

Peace Monica Pimer
Founder & Executive Director
Nile Girls Forum

H.E. Conrad Omalikeh Sackey
Minister of Basic & Senior Secondary Education
Sierra Leone
Hall: Hall 2
What Works to Build More Inclusive and Climate-Resilient National Systems?
This session is set to present evidence on how to bridge policy and system gaps, foster dialogue and ensure effective cross-sectoral collaboration between climate change, education and disability actors. It will also showcase solutions for forming new and effective partnerships across sectors at national level, between governments, UN entities, organizations of persons with disabilities, climate movements and wider civil society. In addition, the session highlights the importance of embedding disability-inclusion into UNFCCC processes, including Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and National Adaptation Plans (NAPs).
Opening Remarks:

Dr. Heike Kuhn
Head of Division
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation & Development of Germany

Natalia Mattioli
Programmes Coordinator
United Nations

Kerstin Stendahl
Special Envoy for Climate Change & the Environment
Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland

Gabriela Ramos
Assistant Director-General for the Social & Human Sciences

Tala Al Ramahi
Reaching The Last Mile

Stefan Tromel
Senior Disability Specialist
International Labour Organization

Natalia Mattioli
Programmes Coordinator
United Nations
Hall: Hall 3
14:15 – 15:00
Launch of the BRACE Initiative: Financing Climate Resilient School Systems
To address the interconnected climate and education challenges, Save the Children, the Green Climate Fund and the Global Partnership for Education have developed an initiative to rapidly accelerate climate adaptation efforts in the education sector. The initiative, BRACE (Building the climate resilience of children and communities through the education sector), will catalyze an initial USD 70 million in funding to accelerate adaptation efforts in the education sector in Tonga, South Sudan and Cambodia. BRACE will be the first large- scale project supported by GCF, GPE and SCA that targets the climate resilience of the education sector. It will directly reach 4 million children and young people as beneficiaries and partners in climate adaptation action.

Nick Ireland
Climate Change Director
Save the Children

Hon. Awut Deng Achuil
Minister of General Education & Instruction
South Sudan

Hon. Eang Sophalleth
Minister of Environment

Salha Aziz
Youth Leader

Sarah Beardmore
Climate Initiatives Lead

Bapon Fakhruddin
Senior Specialist
Green Climate Fund
Hall: Auditorium
Roots of Resilience: The ECD Imperative in a Climate-changing World.
In an era where children, the least contributors to climate change, disproportionately bear its brunt, ensuring robust Early Childhood Development (ECD) in even the most adverse conditions is not just necessary; it is imperative. This session delves into the realm of ECD within the context of Education in Emergencies, a critical aspect of our times. It will showcase programs and commitments that don't just adapt to the challenges but actively nurture the potential guardians of a greener, more resilient tomorrow.

Jim Emerson
Chief Executive Officer
The Power of Nutrition

Emily Kadiatu Gogra
Deputy Minister of Basic & Secondary Education
Sierra Leone

Dr. Erum Mariam
Executive Director
BRAC Institute of Educational Development

Sulieman Mleahat
Education Program Director

Dr. Kim Foulds
Vice President
Content Research & Evaluation
Sesame Workshop

Liana Ghent
Executive Director
International Step by Step Association

Genevieve Nunez Kebe
Senior Policy Advisor
International Rescue Committee
Hall: Hall 1
ClimateEd: Education for Climate Action
The session will showcase novel data and evidence on the bi-directional relationship between education and climate change through a series of short and impactful talks: from the climate change impacts on education outcomes to the power of education in galvanizing climate action through improved mindsets and behaviors, skills, and innovation. The five thematic talks, each accompanied by novel data, will focus on: 1) the role of education in climate action, 2) the learning cost of carbon, 3) improving climate literacy by understanding climate beliefs and behaviors, 4) fostering green citizenship through education, and 5) busting myths about green skills: surprising insights about green skills from different contexts. These talks will leverage evidence, data, and actionable guidance produced by the World Bank on how to harness education investments for effective climate action.

Dr. Luis Benveniste
Global Director for Education
World Bank

H.E. Conrad Omalikeh Sackey
Minister of Basic & Senior Secondary Education
Sierra Leone

Robert Jenkins
Director of Education & Adolescent Development

María Soledad Bos
Education Lead Specialist
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)

Temilade Bukola Salami
Youth Climate Leader
Hall: Hall 4
Partnerships for Responsible Education
This session brings together various multisectoral decision-makers who can influence the learning experiences of youth and ensure they are ingrained with a sense of responsibility towards the people and the planet. The session also aims to empower youth with future skills including digital and green competencies, ensuring they have the opportunity to share their ambitions and positive experiences and expectations of a resilient and purposeful educational system. artnerships for Responsible Education

Ahmed Alhendawi
World Organization of the Scout Movement

Wissam Kadi
Vice President for Global Initiatives
SAP Academies & University Alliances

H.H. Princess Sama Bint Faisal Al Saud
Board Member
World Scout Foundation

Dr. Karina Edmonds
Senior Vice President
Global Head of Academies & University Alliances

Dr. Eesa Bastaki
University of Dubai

Kuljit Ghata-Aura
President in the Middle East Türkiye & Africa Boeing

Sara El Dallal
Country Director
Amideast UAE
Hall: Hall 2
Education as a Catalyst for People and Planet: Rewiring Our Common Agenda
This session will support a movement to ensure that education is central to climate action, enhance linkages with other sectors and highlight the need for deep and substantive cross-sectoral collaboration within and outside of education to create a more sustainable, prosperous, and equitable world. The event will also bring the voices of youth to the forefront and their demands for climate action and climate justice in and through education.

Priya Joshi
Senior Project Officer (Research)
Global Education Monitoring Report

Stefania Giannini
Assistant Director-General for Education

Kathleen Rogers

Koen Timmers
Take Action Global

Melanie Denise Helene Sany
International Youth & Workforce Development Team Lead
Education Development Centre

Kehkashan Basu
Green Hope Foundation
Hall: Hall 3
15:15 – 16:00
Scalable Solutions for Global Problems: Lessons from the Private Sector to Accelerate Climate Gains
The private sector can play a critical role in driving progress towards education goals and climate ambitions. Private actors' unique strengths in innovation, resource mobilization, and global reach make them key players in education transformation. Yet, the private sector's engagement in education has historically often centered on the provision of funding to education, the creation of jobs, or a mix of both. This means that the sector's potential as a powerful voice in contributing to education transformation, particularly in the context of climate change, remains largely untapped

Jerome de Bontin
Capricorn Investment Group

Jacob Harr
Chief Executive Officer & Founder
Community Investment Management (CIM)

Michel Peretie
Former Chairman of Bear Stears
Former Head of Investment Bank of Soc Gen
Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Dr. Plamen Russev
Founder & Chairman
Webit Congress

Kuljit Ghata-Aura
President in the Middle East Türkiye & Africa Boeing
Hall: Hall 4
Transitioning Skills: Education for a Sustainable Energy Future
This session will explore priority actions for building the skills required for the energy transition as well as how cooperative efforts can accelerate action in areas such as skills roadmaps; curriculum development; empowering educators and policy implementation.

Samah Elsayed
Programme Officer of Renewable Energy Education

Gauri Singh
Deputy Director-General

Bruce Douglas
Chief Executive Officer
Global Renewables Alliance

Izael Da Silva
Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Research & Innovation
Strathmore University
UNESCO Chair on Climate Change Resilience & Sustainability

Prof. John Thwaites
Monash Sustainable Development Institute
Hall: Auditorium
Towards Climate Smart Education Systems
The event will highlight concrete examples of how countries can mainstream climate change adaptation and environmental sustainability into education sector plans, budgets and strategies and share specific country experiences and learnings that can be taken forward. The panel will feature diverse voices, including government representatives, youth leaders, civil society organizations and policy makers to generate momentum for action around the climate change and education nexus.

Salha Aziz
Youth Leader

Hon. Madalitso Wirima Kambauwa
Minister of Education
Republic of Malawi

Latinas matar
Global Education Director
Save the Children

Sarah Beardmore
Climate Initiatives Lead

Jun Morohashi
Chief of Section of Education for Sustainable Development
Hall: Hall 3
Driving Systemic Climate Change: The Role of Ministries of Education in Latin America
Ministries of education can shape the agenda of their countries in terms of education. They appear as main actors in transforming policies and enabling strategic investment toward both education goals and climate ambitions. By bringing and listening to actual ministers of education from across the globe, we can learn from global leaders for driving climate change. The session aims to highlight the importance of working on a systematic approach to strengthening education systems around the world while reinforcing the impact of Climate actions. We hope this meeting will be an exciting space to amplify the importance of addressing climate challenges systematically. Also, we aim to understand which challenges ministers of education face when addressing climate in their policies.

Agustin Porres
Regional Director
Varkey Foundation

Alberto de Cárdenas
Chief Executive Officer

Francisco Anello
Global Senior Vice President of Education
Aleph Holding

Ferdinando Regalia
Social Sector Department
InterAmerican Development Bank

H.E. Rossieli Soares da Silva
Secretary of Education
State of Pará

H.E. Miguel Sedoff
Minister of Education
Misiones Province

H.E. Lopez Praxedes Ytati
Minister of Education
Corrientes Province
Hall: Hall 2
Youth Raising Ambition for Climate Education
This session is a key moment in the wider journey of youth taking action for climate education by engaging with their governments on the Mock EMS outcomes, ensuring legacy through national government policy. Through the Mock EMS young people took part in an online summit, preceded and followed by capacity building workshops and have been supported to meet and collaborate with education ministers in their own countries. This high-level dialogue will showcase the work of young people on this journey and ensure more ministers raise ambition for quality climate education and have the opportunity to collaborate with young people to integrate climate into education.

Shreya KC
Campaign Coordinator for Asia
Mock Education Ministers Summit & YOUNGO Representative

Baroness Barran
Parliamentary Undersecretary of State at the Department for Education
United Kingdom

Will Wale
Youth Focal Point for Sustainability & Climate Change for the Department for Education
United Kingdom

Yasmine Sherif
Executive Director
Education Cannot Wait

H.E. Nura Mustaf Mukhtar
State Minister
Ministry of Education
Culture & Higher Education

Sofia Luna Quispe
Closing Remarks:

Yasmine Sherif
Executive Director
Education Cannot Wait
Hall: Hall 1
16:15 – 17:00
African Union Year of Education, 2024: Catalyzing Skills Potential for a Green Economy in Africa
The session discusses prioritizing the integration of education and skills development in the climate agenda, emphasizing their pivotal role in facilitating the transition of African Member States towards resilient, green economies. It advocates for increased investments in education and the development of green skills, highlighting their potential to catalyze the emergence of green jobs and industries, consequently fostering sustainable economic growth.

Erna Grasz
Chief Executive Officer
Asante Africa

H.E. Prof. Mohammed Belhocine
Commissioner for Education
Technology & Innovation
African Union Commission

Prof. Prosper B. Matondi
Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Environment
Climate & Wildlife
Republic of Zimbabwe

Jesper Wohlert
HUMANA People to People
Hall: Auditorium
Building Resilience for Education in the Face of Climate Change Utilizing Technology
In this session, global leaders, education ministers, and innovators will converge to explore the transformative power of education in the face of climate change. This event will spotlight how technology can be used to build resilience in education, so that learning continues during crises. Featuring insights from Ministries of Education, GPE, Microsoft and UNICEF we will illuminate how we are leveraging emerging technology, public-private strategic partnerships, data and insights to build resilience in education and bring learning and skilling opportunities to children and young people.

Anna-Maria Tammi
Thematic Lead for Education in Crisis & Conflict

Hon. Madalitso Wirima Kambauwa
Minister of Education
Republic of Malawi

Majed Akl
Education Industry Advisor

Robert Jenkins
Director of Education & Adolescent Development

Salha Aziz
Youth Leader

Kevin Frey
CEO of Generation Unlimited

Charles North
Deputy CEO
Hall: Hall 1
School Meals and Food Systems: Rethinking the Consequences for Climate, Environment, Biodiversity and Food Sovereignty
Policy changes to school meals programmes can immediately strengthen the community response to environment and climate and, through the power of procurement, help change agricultural practices in the longer term. A new White Paper produced by the Research Consortium for School Health and Nutrition shows that school meals offer this unique opportunity because of their reach and scale: in many countries school meals represent more than 70% of all publicly managed food systems.

Prof. Donald Bundy
Research Consortium for School Health & Nutrition

Carmen Burbano
School-Based Programmes
UN World Food Programme

Dr. Silvia Pastorino
Research Fellow
Nutrition & Health
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

H.E. Conrad Omalikeh Sackey
Minister of Basic & Senior Secondary Education
Sierra Leone

Marco Springmann
Professor of Climate Change Food Systems & Health
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Hall: Hall 4
Empowering Refugee Education for Climate Resilience
This session will put forward a set of recommendations on how education can support refugees in mitigating and adapting the impacts of climate change for refugees, which will be refined during consultations in 2024, and will inform the programme pledge announced by UNHCR in connected higher education at RewirEd.

Rebecca Granato
Associate Vice President for Global Initiatives
Bard College & Open Society University Networks

Raakhi Williams
Chief of Strategy
Planning & Accountability
Education Cannot Wait

Deline Ramiro Yihumutima
Youth Delegate

Dr. Rana Al Turk
Business Development & Growth Director
Luminus life +

Nhial Deng
Global Student Prize Winner 2023

Danah Dajani
Senor Vice President - Partnerships & Programs
Al Ghurair Foundation
Hall: Hall 2
Youth Igniting Action: Cross-Industry Solutions for Climate & Nature
The session showcases findings and solutions by our Youth Insiders bridging the intersection of climate change and biodiversity with industry leaders and global experts. ‘Youth Insiders’ is an initiative within the Emirates Nature - WWF that convenes young professionals, ages 25-35, who excel in their respective fields (e.g. - Finance, FMCG, Architecture, Fashion, Energy, Transport, Retail, Waste, and Agriculture/Food) and provides them with leadership development and mentorship to identify systemic solutions addressing planetary challenges across industries and borders.

Dana Hasan AlHosani
Assistant Director
Strategy & Partner Relations
NYU Abu Dhabi

H.E. Ahmed Abdulmuttaleb Baharoon
Executive Director of Environment Information
Science & Outreach Management
Enviroment Agency Abu Dhabi (EAD)

Ayla Bajwa
Senior Vice President Sustainability
DP World

Laila Abdullatif
Emirates Nature World Wide Fund for Nature (EN-WWF)

Jennifer Chammas
Regional Head of Sustainability & Sustainable Finance

Rohan Gupta
Group Manager
Sustainability Intelligence
DP World
Hall: Hall 3
17:15 – 18:00
Cultivating Wellbeing: School Health and Nutrition for a Sustainable Future
The session titled Cultivating Wellness: School Health and Nutrition for a Sustainable Future addresses the critical role that health and nutrition play in the educational and overall development of students. In the context of growing concerns about childhood obesity, malnutrition, and mental health issues, this session focuses on the need for integrated health and nutrition programs in schools.

Dr. Shariha Khalid
Founding Partner
Mission & Co.

Caitlin Baron
Chief Executive Officer
Luminos Fund

Jim Emerson
Chief Executive Officer
The Power of Nutrition

Ndellejong Cosmas Ejong
Global Technical Lead for Schistosomiasis & Soil Transmitted Helminthiasis

Prof. Donald Bundy
Research Consortium for School Health & Nutrition

Laura Parrotta
Senior Director of Investor Relations
The END Fund
Hall: Hall 3
Synergizing Sustainability: The Transformative Power of Integrating Climate Education with Life Skills
In this session, we explored the vital intersection of climate education and life skills, emphasizing the significance of an interdisciplinary approach for more effective and holistic learning experiences. We delved into practical strategies and best practices, examining how the integration of climate education with critical thinking, problem-solving, and resilience training can enrich the educational landscape. By identifying potential long-term impacts, such as the cultivation of environmentally conscious and socially responsible individuals, we aim to highlight the transformative potential of this integrated approach in addressing and adapting to the challenges posed by climate change.

Don Sedlock
Global Development
JA Worldwide

Gilles Vermot-Desroches
SVP Corporate Citizenship & Institutions
Schneider Electric

Nicholas Kee
JA Company Program Alumni
Founder of KeeFarms

Kevin Frey
CEO of Generation Unlimited

Nadia Abdallah
Chief Education Officer

Taha Bawa

Love Dager
JA Alumni
Hackathon Manager
Hack for Earth

Gillian Hinde
Global Corporate Responsibility Leader
Ernst & Young (EY)

Omar Khan
Head of Centre for Business Studies & Research
Dubai Chamber (TBR)
Hall: Hall 4
From Activism to Action: Closing the Skills Gap
This session will lead an insightful discussion on barriers that prevent access to skills development within the formal education framework and how to overcome these barriers by transforming skills development through ‘leave no one behind’ non-formal education pathways that are accessible and available to all. The session will also underscore the need to impart young people with green skills and empower them to drive meaningful change.

Alia Al Ali
Global Investor Access Analyst & HSBC Youth Council President

Nichole Cirillo
Executive Director

Justina Nixon-Saintil
Vice President & Chief Impact Officer

Sharon Armstrong
Director General
Global Affairs Canada

Alison Bellwood
Founder & Executive Director
The World’s Largest Lesson & Project Everyone

Kumar Verma
Managing Director
Scholars International Group (SIG)
Hall: Hall 1
Future-Ready Learning: EdTech’s Role in Climate Adaptation and Mitigation
This connectivity has armed young people across the world with unprecedented tools for innovation, enabling them to enact positive changes that often ripple through their communities. Seeing the need for adaptation and mitigation, leveraging technology and connectivity to rewire our education systems has become an imperative. This session investigates the pioneering education technologies harnessing the power of connectivity for all to build a digital and future-proof generation ready to tackle tomorrow’s climate challenges.

Raya Bidshahri
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
School of Humanity

Tomas Lamanauskas
Deputy Secretary General

Dr. Fuzan AlKhalidi
Education Strategy Advisor
Digital School

Lady Mariéme Jamme
Chief Sustainability Officer & Founder

Agustin Alejandro Batto Carol
Founder & Strategy Lead
Eidos Global

Mauro Bordignon
Head of Academics & Pedagogical Innovation
H-FARM International School
Hall: Hall 2
Navigating the ESG Landscape: Synergies Between Climate Action and Educational Reform
The session focuses on this critical juncture, particularly examining the interplay between initiatives for climate action and the evolving landscape of educational reforms. At a time when the impact of climate change is becoming more pronounced, there is a growing recognition of the need to embed sustainability and environmental awareness within the educational sector.

Christine Özden
Global Director
Climate Education
Cambridge Partnership for Education

David Ramos
Acting Head of Sustainability (MENAT)
HSBC Middle East & Turkey

Begoña Águeda C. de Albornoz
Corporate Citizenship & Environment Lead
Middle East

David Boutcher
Senior Corporate Partner
Global Business Coalition & Reed Smith LLP

Ayla Bajwa
Senior Vice President Sustainability
DP World
Hall: Auditorium
18:00 – 18:30

Nhial Deng
Global Student Prize Winner 2023

Sister Zeph
Global Teacher Prize 2023 Winner

Bobby Sager
Renowned Photographer & Philanthropist

Amina J. Mohammed
Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations
Closing Remarks:

H.E. Dr. Tariq Al Gurg
Chief Executive Officer & Vice-Chairman
Dubai Cares
Hall: Auditorium