Strategic Partners’ Testimonials

H.E. Jakaya Kikwete
Former President of Tanzania
GPE Board Chair
The Rewired Summit gave the Global Partnership for Education and other partners a dynamic platform to share innovative approaches to global education efforts, and advocate jointly for more and better financing for education. We thank Dubai Cares and the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation for bringing together stakeholders from around the world to advance progress towards tackling the education crisis together.

Rt. Hon. Gordon Brown
Former UK Prime Minister, United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education
RewirEd is a special and unique opportunity to refocus global attention towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goal of inclusive and equitable quality education for all by 2030 — and mobilise the partnerships needed to put the global community on track to unleash all the talents of all young people.

Audrey Azoulay
Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Without quality education and lifelong learning for all, we will not succeed in addressing the challenges of our world. This requires investment, coordination and multilateralism; rethinking what and how we learn, with those who are on the frontlines and will be the actors and citizens of tomorrow: teachers and young people.

Catherine Russell
Executive Director
The world is in the grip of a global learning and skilling crisis and we need global solidarity to ensure the right of every child to learn -- and to master the skills they need someday for sustainable livelihoods. RewirEd, a global platform that helps rally the public and private sectors, engage and empower youth, and drive innovation and investment to recover learning and skilling, is part of the solution. Together, we can help transform education and skills for every child and youth.

Filippo Grandi
UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Access and inclusion in today's digital and connected world cannot only change a life but can dramatically expand opportunities and the chance for a child to reach his or her potential and it is increasingly not just a nice thing to have but a requirement to keep up and go head. It is for this reason that we are proud to join Dubai Cares and partners to engage in this vital dialogue. Together we can rewire education to ensure a more positive, accessible and inclusive future for all.

Yasmine Sherif
Director, Education
Education Cannot Wait
The RewirEd summit is a groundbreaking global education opportunity to have a sincere conversation among keen influential partners to reimagine education, especially for those left furthest behind in conflict and displacement. Exploring new approaches to rewire education and providing the best thinking out there is what the children and youth who are suffering from double and triple emergencies need to emerge with stronger souls and massive characters. Thank you Dubai Cares!

Mamta Murthi
Vice President, Human Development, World Bank
The pandemic will increase the share of children who cannot read and understand a simple text by age 10 – called Learning Poverty – by 10 percentage points from 53% to 63% [in developing countries]. Through RewirEd, we need bolder action to hire, support and manage teachers, and train them in blended and remedial learning and in using technology, to help them teach effectively. This requires a strong political commitment from governments so that all children truly learn with joy, rigor, and purpose, everywhere.

Saadia Zahidi
Managing Director of the World Economic Forum (WEF)
The disruption caused by the combination of automation and the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the need to rethink education, skills and lifelong learning systems. Yet efforts to support those affected by the current pandemic lag behind the speed of disruption. RewirEd provides an opportunity to build momentum around a new learning agenda as we begin to build a new economy that provides greater opportunity, social mobility, and equality for all.

Andreas Schleicher
Director for Education and Skills, OECD
Bringing together global leaders from educational policy and practice, RewirEd provides an amazing platform to advance the social and technological innovation in education that we need to prepare the next generation for their future, rather than our past.

Carmen Burbano
Director of School Feeding Division
World Food Program
Dubai Cares is a key player in the education sector, who recognises the important role school children's health and nutrition play in their learning. At a time where the well-being and education of school children is threatened by multiple crises at once, uniting forces is now more important than ever – we are grateful that RewirEd provides a platform for partners to come together and to jointly prioritise and invest in the learning and the learner.

Doreen Bogdan-Martin
Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau,
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Equipping learners with Internet connectivity and access to digital learning is vital to inclusive, equitable education systems. RewirEd provides an unmissable opportunity for stakeholders to collaborate on the digital transformation of education. Let's work together to ensure that no learner is left behind in the digital era.